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Text Editor

A TagSpaces extension allowing editing of text-based documents.


  • Opening and editing of text documents
  • Syntax highlighting for the following file types: h, c, clj, coffee, coldfusion, cpp, cs, css, groovy, haxe, htm, html, java, js, ts, tsx, jsm, json, latex, less, ly, ily, lua, markdown, md, mdx, ml, mli, pl, php, powershell, py, rb, scad, scala, scss, sh, sql, svg, textile, txt, xml

Code highlighting with the text editor

Used Libraries

This extension thankfully relies on the following great libraries:


This extension is packaged with any new version of TagSpaces.

User Manual

Text Editor

The text editor offers code highlighting for some common programming languages. In the extension menu you will find some extras like toggling line number, adjusting the font size or toggling the wrapping for words.

Screenshot of the editorText

The text editor will keep the option to print from the plain text viewer.

Source Code

The source code of this extension is freely available on GitHub.


If you want to extend this extension, please follow our general extension development guide.
