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To access the settings dialog, click on the gears icon located at the bottom-left part of the app.

Access the settings of the app

The settings dialog consists of five tabs, which are described below.


Most common TagSpaces settings are accessible from the General tab.

Settings - General Tab
  • Interface language: Choose your preferred language from the variety of translations available for TagSpaces.
  • Color scheme: Select between light, dark, or matching the operating system's theme. The last option will automatically switch between light and dark based on your operating system settings.
  • Preferred light theme: Choose the theme that will be used in light mode.
  • Preferred dark theme: Choose the theme that will be used in dark mode.
  • Default perspective: Set the default perspective that will be used for opening folders.
  • File tagging method: Specifies the default file tagging approach.
  • Check for new version on startup: The app will check for new versions on startup and notify you if available.
  • Enable changing the tag order with drag and drop: Experimental feature for reordering tags via drag and drop.
  • Collect new tags in the tag library: If activated, new tags will automatically be added to the Collected Tag group in the tag library.
  • Enable thumbnails generation: Generates and stores persistent thumbnails in the .ts subfolder of the folder where the file resides.
  • Default tag background color: Set the default background color for newly created tags. Existing tags will not be affected.
  • Default tag text color: Set the default text color for newly created tags. Existing tags will not be affected.
  • Move deleted files or folders to trash bin: When enabled, deleted files will be moved to the Trash, Trashbin, or Recyclebin depending on your operating system, allowing easy recovery in case of accidental deletion.
  • Show files/directories with a dot (.) in front of the name: Allows browsing hidden files in UNIX-like systems (Linux, macOS, BSD, etc.).
  • Max search results: Limit the maximum number of files and folders displayed in perspectives and search results.

File Types

This section allows you to configure the viewers and editors that will open specific file types.

Adjusting the file associations
  • File Viewer Dropdown: Select the preferred viewer plugin for each file type (1).
  • File Editor Dropdown: Select the preferred editor plugin for each file type (2).
  • Color Coding: Adjust the color of the file type by clicking on the colored area (3).
  • Add New File Type: Add a new file type that was previously unrecognized (4).

Color-coded File Extensions

In the grid, list, and kanban perspectives, color-coded file extensions enhance visual recognition. For common file extensions, custom colors are predefined and displayed on the extension buttons in the file rows or cards.

Color-coded file extensions in the list perspective

Key Bindings

The Key Bindings tab allows you to view and customize keyboard shortcuts.

Changing the key bindings

Most key bindings are configurable. You can modify them by clicking on the field where the binding is listed.

Modifier Keys

  • Use shift, ctrl, alt, option, meta, command, and mod. mod is a special modifier referring to the control key on Windows/Linux and the command key on macOS.

Special Keys

  • backspace, tab, enter, return, capslock, esc, escape, space, pageup, pagedown, end, home, left, up, right, down, ins, and del.

To assign multiple keys to a single operation, separate them by a comma (,).


For more details, refer to the Key Bindings section of the documentation.


This tab includes two sections:

  • Core Extensions: Lists the extensions packaged with the current version of the application.
  • Installed Extensions: Shows manually installed extensions. Once the Developer Mode is activated in the Advanced tab, a button labeled Install Extension becomes available, allowing you to install extensions from a ZIP package.
Settings - Extensions Tab

Install extensions only from trusted sources, as malicious extensions could pose security risks to your system.


The Advanced tab contains settings intended for advanced use cases.

Settings - Advanced Tab
  • Enable mobile mode: Switch the app to mobile mode for use on small screens or smaller app window sizes.
  • Enable developer mode: Enables experimental features like the ability to load third-party extensions.
  • Enable generating thumbnails and search index in a separate process: Thumbnails and the search index are generated in a separate process by default for better performance. You can disable this and use the main app process, but this may negatively impact performance.
  • Show warning on opening files externally: A warning will appear when opening files with external programs to prevent accidental execution of malicious files (e.g., an .exe file on Windows).
  • Enable location tags PRO: Store tag groups outside the main tag library in the location itself. Learn more here.
  • Geo tagging format PRO: Choose from the following geo-tagging formats:
    • PlusCode: Encodes latitude and longitude coordinates into a short text representation, e.g., 8FV9P8RR+MW for 47.741687, 7.342313.
    • MGRS: Military Grid Reference System, which encodes coordinates like 4QFJ12345678.
  • Map tile servers PRO: TagSpaces uses OpenStreetMap-based maps for its geotagging features. You can add custom map tile servers here, including from this list of common servers or your own server for an internet-independent geo-tagging system.

Please respect the policies and terms of use of the map service providers.

Additional Buttons

  • Restore default settings: Resets the app to its original settings, including connected locations and the tag library. Be careful, as this action cannot be undone without backups.
  • Reload application: Reloads the app, similar to pressing the browser reload button.