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MinIO buckets hosted on NAS Server

This tutorial will guide through the setting up of a self hosted object storage based on MinIO for QNAP based NAS systems. Then we will show you how to setup the TagSpaces PRO Web on a web server and connect it to the MinIO server. We will use the Docker container apps, which are available on the operating systems of the NAS servers. On a QNAP NAS the app is called ContainerStation, so if is not installed please install before starting with your setup.

Installing the MinIO Docker application


Starting from releases in October 2022, Minio does not support anymore the gateway mode, which was exposing existing file and folder structures as s3 object storage. You can find more on this topic in their documentation:

In order to install the current docker image for MinIO you should go to the "Create" section of the ContainerStation. Here you should search for minio in the Docker Hub tab.

MinIO's console login

After you find the correct application, you should click on the install button, which in the previous screenshot is replaced by create, since I have already installed this image.

The exact URL of the official MinIO docker is:

Setup MinIO on a NAS with Docker

The easies way to run it is with the container app, which run Docker in background. This can be done by opening a SSH-connection to your NAS and executing the following command:

sudo docker run -d \
--restart=always \
-p 9000:9000 \
-p 9001:9001 \
--name minio-container-name \
-e MINIO_ROOT_USER=username \
-v /share/DataS3:/data \
minio/minio server /data \
--console-address :9001

Explanation of the parameters:

  • --restart=always - makes sure Minio docker image is started automatically after restarting your NAS system
  • -p 9000:9000 will expose MinIO server on both network interfaces (port 9000)
  • -p 9001:9001 will open another port for the MinIO console
  • -name minio-container-name is the name of the docker container, this name will appear later in the docker software of your NAS
  • MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD - are the username and password of the MinIO admin user, which have to be changed to something else for your production system
  • /share/DataS3 is local directory on NAS
  • /data is the folder which is mapped to /share/DataS3 and which is exposed by MinIO
  • minio/minio is the official Docker image provided by MinIO available at Docker Hub
  • --console-address :9001 is the network interface to where the MinIO service dashboard is exposed

Test if the MinIO is running

Now you can open you browser and enter the ip address of your NAS with the port 9001 at the end. This should lead to the login screen for the MinIO Console, which is basically their adminstration panel, where you can monitor your installation or manage bucket, user, groups and policies.

MinIO's console login

And after login it should see the MinIO dashboard. Where you see basic information on your installation.

MinIO dashboard

Navigating to the bucket section will show you a list of all buckets, which are actually sub folder of the exposed NAS directory.

MinIO buckets

So in my case, /share/DataS3 is my exposed folder in the docker script. Photos and Music are sub folders which appear in previous screenshot in the buckets section.

The folder exposed in MinIO as seen in the QNAP file manager

Manage your MinIO docker instance on QNAP NAS

In order to manager your docker container, there the Container Station app in the QNAP management console.

MinIO docker in the QNAP Container Station

By navigating to the container you will see further details, including a console log showing the messages from the MinIO server.

MinIO docker in the QNAP Container Station

Creating user for accessing the MinIO

It is not recommended to use the MinIO admin user for accessing the bucket. So here you will see how to create users with restricted rights.

So as first step I will go to the IAM Policies section and will create a new read-only policy for the Photos bucket.

Setup minio location in TagSpaces

The easiest way to define such policy is to paste the following code in the JSON editor of the policy. Both elements in the Resource section of included bellow JSON are needed. The policy is named PhotosRO.

Policy with read only access to the 'Photos' bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetObject"],
"Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::Photos", "arn:aws:s3:::Photos/*"]

Now is the time to create a new user, so I will go to the Users section and click on the Create User-button. There you can enter an Access Key which is something like user name and Secret Key which basically a password. I have also selected the PhotosRO policy I have previously created in the Assign Policies area.

Creating user in the MinIO console

Configuring TagSpaces Pro and TagSpaces Pro Web

So these steps should be enough for now so we will open the TagSpaces Pro and configure it to connect with the MinIO server.

Create new cloud location by clicking the Connect a location button. In the dialog select Object Storage radio box and click advanced mode button on the bottom of this dialog. Here you will need to enter the following information:

  • Location name - free text allowing you later to recognize the location in the location manager
  • Location path - should be left empty, it is currently not supported by TagSpaces for MinIO connections
  • Access key - here you should enter the access key MinIO user
  • Secret access key - here is the place for the secret access key of the user
  • Bucket name - here you should name of one of the subfolder in main folder hosted by MinIO (see the previous screenshot)
  • Endpoint URL - the url with with the port where you MinIO instance is running
  • Location ID - is automatically generated but can be changed to another unique id if needed, you should not leave it empty.

Setup minio location in TagSpaces

Once you have configured the location and saved the changes, TagSpaces should connect to it list the files in it.

Linking MinIO buckets as locations in TagSpaces Pro or Pro Web

Common pitfalls

Connection issues

If you are running your MinIO server on HTTP, you will need to allow unsecure content in the settings for the TagSpaces Pro Web web page in the Chrome/Chromium browser.

Enable insecure content in Chrome

If you are using the Firefox browser, this relaxing of settings is not possible, so here you have to make sure that both TagSpaces Pro Web and Minio are working on HTTPS or on HTTP.


Running TagSpaces Pro Web on HTTP connection is not recommended!

  • It is highly recommended to setup a SSL certificate for your MinIO server, so the connections to it will run over HTTPS.
  • It is highly recommended to setup a SSL certificate for the webserver where the TagSpaces Web App is hosted, so the connections to it will run over HTTPS.

CORS issue

Some users are reporting CORS related issue on MinIO servers installed on a Synology NAS system. Please see this GitHub issue for more details.

Please contact us, if you have any questions or recommendations!